Frequently Asked Questions

Have more? Get in touch with us!


  • Several sheets of B2 format paper (50x70cm)
  • 2-3 pencils of hardness - B2-B4 
  • Soft eraser or kneaded eraser
  • sharpener 
  • If you want to get into architecture, interior design, or design - perspective course
  • If you just want to draw under the guidance of a specialist - course for hobbyists
  • If you want to learn how to draw space correctly - perspective course
  • If you're not sure if you can attend regularly and are afraid of falling behind - course for hobbyists

From 3 to 15, usually there are 5-8 people.

It depends on the day of the week and the time of day. There are the most applicants for weekend classes, smaller groups are during the weekdays.

Yes, no problem, but please notify us when making the payment.


+48 511 544 177

Of course, no problem. Please contact me in advance so that I can allocate the time you need.

  • A trimester consists of 11 lessons of 3 hours each
  • One lesson per week 
  • The trimester ends after 11 weeks (plus holiday breaks)
  • In short - if you pay for one course, you can attend all of them (this is not a joke or a scam, there's nothing in small print)
  • You pay for 3 hours per week but you can attend up to 15 hours + 12 hours of live online courses
  • As part of the Open Studio, you can attend the following online courses:
    • watercolor
    • digital painting
    • online consultations

Immediately after joining the course, you will receive a link and automatically generated access password to our Video platform where there are hundreds of hours of materials that you can go through whenever you want. 

The platform not only includes tutorials from classes but also a lot of additional materials.

One lesson lasts for 3 clock hours.


We have a Starter Pack, which includes everything you need for drawing:

  • B2 wooden board (50x70cm)
  • 20 sheets of B2 size paper
  • 2 pencils (B2 and B4)
  • kneaded eraser
  • sharpener
  • 2 fine liners
  • F-type marker
  • 4 paper clips
  • large black B2 folder with a shoulder strap

The cost of such a Starter Pack is PLN 150 and you can buy it in cash just before the classes at the Studio.

We do not sell individual sheets or other drawing tools apart from the Starter Pack.

No. We do not sell individual sheets or other drawing materials apart from the Start Packs.

The entire course from basic to highly advanced level lasts for 4 years. (4 times 3 trimesters)

Yes! You are welcome to attend 1 lesson in any class, you can actively participate in them. You will be treated like any other student of the school.

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